Your Best Run


We guide you towards the most suitable shoes for you that address your individual needs by carefully considering your aims and requirements.

To do this we have done something a bit different. When you walk into Kinisi Run Hub, you wonโ€™t see a wall displaying all the shoes we stock.

The reason for this is you are an individual. Your needs are different to everyone else and no two individuals have the same foot profile or running style. Of course there are similarities and cues but these simply guide us towards informed choices.

We want your selection to be guided by the fit, feel and ride of the shoe rather than the colours, designs, trends, and latest tech. Finding a shoe that is going to allow you to move without distraction, irritation or worry will allow you to move freely and ultimately experience your best run.

Learn More about Running Shoes

We guide you towards the most suitable shoes for you that address your individual needs by carefully considering your aims and requirements.
For women, a proper-fitting sports bra is as important as a good pair of shoes. Not only can a sports bra improve performance but more importantly it will lessen breast pain, lower the risks of breast damage, reduce embarrassment and improve self-esteem.

Sports Bras

For women, a proper-fitting sports bra is as important as a good pair of shoes. Not only can a sports bra improve performance but more importantly it will lessen breast pain, lower the risks of breast damage, reduce embarrassment and improve self-esteem.

Learn more about Sports Bras


The right apparel enhances comfort, performance and enjoyment. To achieve this, it must fit correctly and be designed specifically for movement as poor-fitting apparel leads to discomfort, distraction and even potential injury.

High-quality apparel that is breathable and comfortable will allow you to move freely, perform at your best, and achieve your best run.

Learn More about Apparel

The right apparel enhances comfort, performance and enjoyment. To achieve this, it must fit correctly and be designed specifically for movement as poor-fitting apparel leads to discomfort, distraction and even potential injury.
Running accessories play a pivotal role in optimising the running experience by providing essential support, functionality and even safety while offering practical solutions to common challenges such as hydration, tracking progress and injury prevention.

Accessories & Nutrition

Running accessories play a pivotal role in optimising the running experience by providing essential support, functionality and even safety while offering practical solutions to common challenges such as hydration, tracking progress and injury prevention.

High-quality accessories are durable, comfortable and tailored to individual needs by seamlessly integrating into your routine allowing you to maximise enjoyment and enhance performance.

Sports nutrition products provide essential nutrients, energy and fluids to fuel workouts, support endurance, maintain hydration levels and enhance recovery to optimise performance and minimise fatigue during exercise.

Learn More about Accessories & Nutrition